Lamae Beolfag was a Nedic virgin who was raped by Molag Bal.
it won’t even let me reinstall windows (so i can reset all drivers and whatnot installed). murfeelee: Vampires can be traced back to the Daedric Prince Molag Bal, the Lord of Domination, who created the first vampire sometime around the First Era. that didn’t help, and now my pc is beyond helping. magically, my dad managed to access commander and delete all trace of my graphics card-drivers, since we - after multiple other options - thought it could be the graphics card going bonkers. for some odd reason, it started after i’d patched d3/the blizzard game manager. So, my screen started tearing at random times, and sometimes wouldn’t boot at all. if it’s any consolation, i’ve recently wanted to start playing again (but i can’t exactly do that without my pc…). but recently my computer starting acting out, and i know a lot more tech savvies on here than on my personal or rl (i only really have my dad to ask about these things and even he’s at a loss). Just some friendly, experienced sims fans looking to help their fellow Simmers. NOTE: We are not affiliated with EA games. Liana Sims3 - Everything for your Sims 3 game - free downloads to fashion up your sims Welcome to LianaSims3 This site is dedicated to the game The Sims3 with free downloads including fashion (sims3 clothes), accessories and jewelry, patterns, houses and a donation area for the ones who want to help LianaSims3.

Ok so i know i’m not active, like, at all on simblr these days. You will also find on our blog a large database of game-related and technical questions that we have answered.